Not all Grassfed Beef Tallow for Face Cream is Created Equal, and Here’s Why

conventional feedlot versus grass fed

Navigating the vast landscape of tallow skincare products can be overwhelming. There are many companies to choose from, and most are claiming to be grassfed. But what does that truly mean? And are you really getting the benefits of grassfed AND grass-finished tallow? Grassfed in the tallow skincare industry has become a clique, so how do you determine if you are getting what you pay for? In this article, you will learn why it’s extremely important to know where your tallow is sourced, how it was raised, how it was finished, and what ingredients go into making the most effective product. Keep reading, because the quality of your skincare regime is at stake!

Key Takeaways

cattle grazing across a fence

There’s Beef Tallow, Then There’s Grassfed Beef Tallow for Skin

In the realm of skincare, the quest for products that provide purity and efficacy is ongoing. Amid this search, beef tallow emerges as a pivotal ingredient. It’s true, beef tallow mirrors our skin’s biological makeup, and for centuries it has been used to heal the skin.  However, up until the turn of the 20th century, when conventional agricultural practices were deemed the best solution for “feeding the world,” almost all beef tallow was raised from birth to harvest on grass. Now the majority of beef in the United States is finished in feedlots on grain rations, something their systems and psyches are not equipped to handle.

How Does Grain-Finished Beef Affect the Quality of the Tallow?

Confined and Grain-finished cattle are kept alive using an assortment of antibiotics in their feed. In a world where we need to finish an animal fast and as efficiently as possible, they are a necessary evil. All of these foreign chemicals are filtered through organs like the liver and kidneys. The chemicals are either flushed through the animal‘s system or absorbed into the walls of these organs and the fat that surrounds them. Since the best fat for skincare is kidney suet (or fat), the residue from these chemicals decreases the nutrient density of the suet and, thus, the efficacy of the final skincare product.
As consumers become increasingly discerning about the origins of their skincare products, it is imperative to understand how total grassfed beef tallow sets itself apart and why skin responds so favorably to it compared with tallow from conventional feedlots. 

Just because it says grassfed doesn't mean it's grass finished

Discerning the true quality of grassfed beef tallow, especially when considering its application in facial cream formulations, requires an understanding that “grassfed” labeling does not guarantee a fully grass-finished product. A grass-finished or regenerative label indicates the livestock was nourished with a grass diet until the end of their lifecycle, ensuring the fat retains the highest possible level of antioxidants crucial for protecting and healing the skin.
Grass-finished beef tallow preserves a potent mix of nutrients that uphold the integrity of skin care products, providing an authentic antioxidant boost more so than tallow originating from cattle that have been grain-finished.

Grain-finished beef produces poorer quality tallow

Grassfed beef that concludes its life cycle with grain finishing can suffer a decline in the nutritive value of its tallow, adversely affecting its beneficial qualities. The resulting product, often used in items like soap or skin creams, may not provide the same level of nourishing fatty acids and antioxidants that adeptly combat the formation of wrinkles. This poses a stark contrast to tallow from cattle that have retained a grass-based diet from birth through to harvest.
Consumers who treasure the benefits of tallow in their skincare routines must carefully scrutinize their purchases, akin to how a diner selects a premium sirloin steak for its quality. When grassfed cattle are switched to grains during the latter part of their lives, not only is the flavor profile of their meat altered, but the quality of their tallow for personal care products like soap also diminishes. Beef that may be suitable for a hearty sausage does not inherently yield tallow of equivalent quality for maintaining skin‘s youthful appearance.
scenic grass and trees

What Makes Grassfed Beef Tallow Unique?

Distinct from its conventional counterpart, grassfed beef tallow, from birth to harvest, offers a chemical and hormone-free alternative that blends naturally and seamlessly with human skin. Not only does it provide users with a more result-driven experience, but it allows the cattle to be free, roaming the prairies their entire lives. This increased quality of life, along with the higher nutrient value of the tallow and positive impact on the environment, makes grassfed and finished tallow the superior player in the skincare industry. 
Don’t be fooled, however. Just because a company claims to offer “grassfed tallow,” it doesn’t mean it is grass-finished. Remember, when cattle eat grain, a substance that all ungulates have a hard time processing, they gain quicker. On top of that, the grain they are supplemented with most likely has antibiotics infused, as well as Roundup and other chemical residue. This again affects the kidney suet, bringing the nutrient level down.
The uniqueness of grassfed and grass-finished beef tallow lies in the dietary habits of the cattle from which it is rendered. Unlike grain-fed counterparts, these animals graze on grass free of hormones and chemicals, resulting in tallow that is naturally rich in vitamins and nutrients. The diet of grassfed cattle imparts a superior quality to their meat and fat, which in turn influences the nourishing properties of the tallow derived from them.

Top grassfed and grass-finished tallow with regenerative practices and you get an even superior product

Over that last century, conventional agriculture practices have ruled the industry, inadvertently increasing farmers input costs and reliance on big ag companies. But as climate changes and the profit margins become slimmer, more and more landowners are defaulting to regenerataive agriculture techniques. These practices put more emphasis on soil health, which in turn creates a healthier animal, family, and bank account. 
If you are unfamiliar with the term regenerative agriculture, it simply means to work in sync with nature rather than against her – something conventional agriculture has forced us away from.

How does Regenerative Agriculture Practices improve tallow skincare products?

Regenerative-raised grassfed beef tallow, revered for its enhanced nutrition, stands above its conventional or only grassfed counterparts largely due to the cattle’s diet, which includes a diverse range of naturally occurring forage found in pastures. This varied diet directly impacts the profile of fatty acids in the tallow, which is densely packed with healthful fats crucial for skin elasticity and may even aid in conditions such as dermatitis.
In contrast, tallow derived from conventionally raised beef  frequently lacks this broad spectrum of nutrients, as these cattle are often limited to grain-based feeds, therefore producing a cream with a less robust fatty acid profile. Regeneratively-raised grassfed beef not only promises a higher level of skin-friendly nutrients but also aligns with a sustainable approach to farming and cattle raising practices.
cattle grazing regeneratively

Why regeneratively raised grassfed tallow is superior

When delving into the world of skin care, one often encounters a plethora of products promising revitalizing effects. Yet, what sets regeneratively raised grassfed tallow apart are the superior levels of essential nutrients found within its composition. Not merely a trend within the discerning circles of skin care aficionados, this premium tallow surpasses its peers in nourishing properties thanks to higher concentrations of conjugated linoleic acid, an element celebrated for its skin-enhancing benefits. The practices involved in regenerative farming ensure that the cattle contribute to a healthy ecosystem, yielding a product free of harmful chemicals including hormones or antibiotics, which may taint the quality of the resulting tallow. As consumers weigh the benefits against brand and price, they are increasingly drawn to the unparalleled purity and potency of this tallow, the kind that promises to enrich their skin much like a hearty and nutrient-dense stew fortifies the body from within.

Grassfed Tallow is Higher in Nutrients

Grassfed beef tallow is a powerhouse of nutrients, with enhanced levels of linoleic acid and vitamin E that stand out among natural skin care ingredients. These nutrients are particularly effective in soothing conditions like psoriasis and aiding in the recovery of damaged skin, such as that affected by sunburn.

The regenerative nature of the farming practices used to raise grassfed cattle not only promotes ecological health but directly increases the vitamin and mineral content of the beef tallow. This bountiful nutrient profile makes the tallow a luxurious yet practical alternative to conventional skin creams that may use less nutrient-dense bases like butter.

No chemicals including hormones or antibiotics

Regeneratively raised grassfed tallow is a natural choice for health-conscious individuals who liken the purity of their skincare to the uncompromised quality of a well-prepared strip steak: untouched by excessive heat, without reliance on olive oil to mask imperfections. This tallow embodies a pristine simplicity, free from the questionable additives of hormones and antibiotics synonymous with industrial farming practices.

The avoidance of chemicals in the rearing of cattle results in tallow that is not only healthier for consumers but also more effective in maintaining the skin‘s natural balance.

group of ranchers learning about regenerative practices

What is Regenerative Agriculture and how does it affect tallow skincare products?

A ranch that practices regenerative agriculture knows there is a direct correlation between the health of the soil and the products we put into and onto our bodies. When animals are raised in this management style, there are no foreign objects that enter their bodies – no antibiotics, hormones or even chemical-laced grain. This is because as the ranch improves their soil, there is less need to treat animals for disease or give them hormones to speed up their growth. Ranchers are relying on nature to do the heavy lifting.

The result is a higher nutrient dense product. But it’s even more than that. By purchasing products that come from regenerative ranches, you also help sequester carbon from the atmosphere and store it in soil. With the shift in climate, pulling carbon out of the air is one of the fastest ways to slow this change. And soil acts as a natural carbon storage that will help us achieve this. Here is how you and regenerative agriculture practices can help mitigate climate change and provide healthier options for our bodies: 

Why Your Skin Loves Regeneratively-raised Grassfed Beef Tallow

Unlike grassfed or grain-finished beef tallow, regeneratively-raised tallow heightens the nutrient levels  and increases the desired results from these skincare products. As stated above, tallow mimics sebum, the natural oil in our skin. But regeneratively raised beef tallow goes a step further and heals skin even more effectively. By embracing regenerative grassfed beef tallow, skincare advocates harness an untapped source of nourishment, aligning their regimen with nature’s intent. 

Sego Lily owner before and after picture

Real Results: A Success Story Using Regeneratively-Raised Grassfed Beef Tallow Face Cream

Using regeneratively-raised tallow in your daily skincare routine has proved to be incredibly life-changing for people. In fact, read what Sego Lily’s founder has to say about her tallow skincare journey.
“My journey started in the summer of 2023 when I discovered grassfed tallow skincare. I had been using an expensive anti-aging cream for over ten years, thinking it had to be working. But knowing I wanted to move away from chemicals and to something more natural, I decided to give tallow a try. I ordered grassfed tallow, took a before picture, and never looked back. In the beginning, I truly thought I was taking the picture to prove the tallow wouldn’t work; it couldn’t be that easy, right? I soon forgot about the switch until my husband said one day, ‘I think your wrinkles are disappearing.’ I went to the bathroom and tried to reenact the same picture I had taken less than six months earlier, making sure the angle, lighting, and distance were identical. What I found was nothing less than remarkable. It was like I was looking at two different people. The harsh lines and wrinkles had diminished and my skin color looked more natural instead of dull and gray. But there was one thing I just couldn’t take any longer. I smelled like meat all the time! So, I went to work researching and experimenting with making my own. Two months after using my own product that was made with not only grassfed tallow, but regeneratively-raised and organic tallow, was again undeniable.
The conscientious consumer recognizes the linkage between robust farm practices and the optimal effectiveness of this underappreciated skincare ally.
Sego Lily tallow butter

How to Choose the Best Grassfed Beef Tallow for Your Skin

Finding the finest grassfed beef tallow for nourishing and improving skin conditions, such as wrinkle reduction or acne, requires careful consideration beyond the surface label claims. Not all grassfed products see their lifecycle in pastoral grazing; some are grain-finished, a process that can diminish the quality of the tallow by altering its fatty acid composition, resulting in a less efficacious product. The discerning shopper must be wary of tallow that, while initially from grassfed cattle, may not carry the full spectrum of benefits into the final stages of feeding. 
Top-quality grassfed beef tallow exhibits characteristics that set it apart: a virtually neutral odor, indicating minimal processing; a composition that resonates with the balance of fats in human skin; and a high concentration of beneficial acids, ensuring that it nourishes deeply without leaving the telltale signs of inferior quality that one might find with lower-grade tallow, often produced from grain-finished beef. This understanding is crucial for selecting a tallow that offers the true, untouched benefits of a holistically raised (or regenerative) grassfed and grass-finished product.

Key Characteristics of Top-Quality grassfed Beef Tallow

Top-quality grassfed beef tallow is distinguished by its correlation to health and its roots in sustainable agriculture. Rich in nutrients vital for skin vitality, this tallow is sourced from cattle that have been nurtured exclusively on a diet of fresh pasture and natural forage, mirroring the purity and essence of their environment in the finished product.

Consistent with the tenets of conscientious agriculture practices, top-tier grassfed beef tallow‘s profile is robust, yielding benefits that enhance the skin‘s appearance and health.

Green cosmetics

Incorporating Beef Tallow Into Your Daily Routine

Including regeneratively-raised grassfed beef tallow in daily skincare regimens supports cell regeneration, thanks to its rich essential fatty acid content that aligns with the skin‘s own lipids. Selecting beef suet from regenerative grassfed origins ensures a density of nutrients, offering a streamlined product with an affordable unit price for routine use.
The addition of beef tallow, particularly from the kidney, which is known for its concentrated nutrient profile, transforms a basic skincare routine into a robust, complexion-enhancing practice. By using tallow as the base in skincare products, users provide their skin with essential nourishment, akin to supplying the body with a well-balanced diet for optimal function.

Buying skincare products that are sourced from regenerative agriculture ranches is better for your skin and the planet

Opting for skincare products from regenerative agriculture ranches incorporates the purity of eco-friendly farming into one’s beauty recipe, yielding potent benefits both for the dermis and the earth. These ranches integrate practices that eliminate chemicals and hormones and produce tallow rich in retinol, a key nutrient known for combatting radical damage, thus prioritizing skin wellness rooted in ethical land stewardship.
By adhering to regenerative customs, tallow-based skincare not only fosters a harmonious ecosystem but also channels the full vitality of unadulterated ingredients directly to the consumer. Such a conscientious approach ensures that each application aids in sustaining the globe’s natural equilibrium while providing skin with fortifying nourishment.
Amid the diverse landscape of skin care, grassfed beef tallow stands out, particularly when infused with the benefits of regenerative farming practices. Oleic acid, a key component known for its moisturizing properties, is abundant in high-quality beef tallow, thus contributing to its efficacy. Expert testimony frequently champions the practice of animal husbandry that focuses on grassfeeding, which amplifies the nourishing profile of tallow used in skin care products. Tarrow’s transformative effects on skin radiance and health have been echoed in testimonials from individuals who have substituted their traditional creams with tallow-based alternatives. Even within formulas that cater to the delicate needs of facial skin, the positive impact is undeniable, surpassing results obtained from conventional chemical-laden products. The compelling narratives of transformation, backed by authoritative opinions in the dermatological community, underscore the value of integrating grassfed beef tallow into a comprehensive skincare routine.


Choosing the best grassfed beef tallow for radiant skin requires attention to diet and farming practices, ensuring cattle grazing on diverse pastures produce nutrient-rich tallow. Grass-finished tallow, free from hormones and antibiotics, offers the highest nutrient level to support skin health and rejuvenation. For discerning consumers, sourcing from regenerative agriculture ranches guarantees the purity and ecological benefits of the tallow used in their skincare routines. Thus, diligent selection of grassfed, grass-finished beef tallow translates to superior nourishment that promotes a healthy, vibrant complexion.


Grass-fed beef tallow is rich in nutrients vital for skin health, including vitamins A, D, E, and K, along with essential fatty acids. Its compatibility with the skin‘s natural oils enables it to deeply moisturize and promote skin elasticity.

Selecting the highest quality grass-fed beef tallow involves checking the source of the beef tallow for pasture-raised and grass-finished certifications and examining the color and texture, which should be white to light yellow with a firm consistency. Additionally, reviewing the processing method to ensure it is minimally refined can help maintain nutritional integrity.

Regeneratively raised, when referring to beef tallow, signifies that the beef from which the tallow is rendered originates from farming practices designed to rehabilitate and enhance the entire ecosystem of the farm. These practices focus on soil health, water retention, and carbon sequestration.

Indeed, beef tallow is a viable component for daily skincare routines, offering moisturizing benefits due to its compatibility with the lipids naturally present in human skin. Its nutrient-rich profile, brimming with vitamins A, D, E, and K, along with its anti-inflammatory properties, makes it an attractive additive for those seeking to nourish and protect their skin.

Regeneratively raised grass-fed tallow brings a trove of benefits to skincare routines, predominantly due to its rich composition of nutrients and its alignment with principles of sustainability. This unique ingredient not only nourishes the skin with vitamins, fatty acids, and antioxidants essential for maintaining a healthy complexion, but also supports environmental and ethical practices.

Embedded in the heart of natural beauty trends, grass-fed tallow aligns itself perfectly with the burgeoning demand for products that respect both skin and nature. Drawing from traditional knowledge and modern science, tallow from grass-fed sources is celebrated for its purity, effectiveness, and minimal impact on the planet. Unlike conventional skincare ingredients that may rely heavily on chemicals and extensive processing, grass-fed tallow is a testament to the potency of simplicity and the value of harnessing the gifts of nature.

The advantages of incorporating grass-fed tallow into one’s skincare regime extend beyond mere surface appeal. Tallow closely mimics the lipid profile of human skin, making it an exceptional moisturizer that seamlessly blends into the skin, providing deep nourishment without leaving an oily residue. Its high content of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and natural antioxidants fights inflammation and contributes to the skin‘s natural repair process, potentially reducing signs of aging and soothing conditions like acne and eczema.

Sustainability is another cornerstone of the appeal of regeneratively raised grass-fed tallow. By supporting practices that prioritize soil health, biodiversity, and carbon sequestration, consumers contribute to a more resilient and regenerative agriculture system. Such products often come with thoughtful packaging and labeling, reflecting a commitment to zero waste and recycling principles, thus reducing the environmental footprint associated with skin care.

Moreover, the ethical dimension of using byproducts from regeneratively raised animals cannot be overstated. This approach ensures that every part of the animal is honored and utilized, reducing waste and promoting a more cyclical and respectful relationship with livestock. For consumers looking to align their purchasing habits with their values, grass-fed tallow offers a compelling option that marries the pursuit of beauty with respect for animal welfare and environmental stewardship.

In a market flooded with products promising unprecedented results, grass-fed tallow stands out for its authenticity, efficacy, and alignment with broader wellness and ethical considerations. Whether incorporated into a luxurious lotion, enriching body butter, or soothing lip balm, tallow offers a deeply enriching experience that reverberates well beyond the superficial layers of the skin. It’s a choice that speaks to a growing awareness among consumers, one where beauty, health, and sustainability are inextricably linked.

Beef tallow aligns closely with the lipid profile of human skin, potentially promoting superior absorption and moisturization. With its rich content of vitamins and fatty acids, it may offer a more natural, unprocessed alternative to conventional skincare options.